Sourcing Wood

Wood is all around us. Fortunately, I have a number of folks who think of me when they have trees cut down on their properties. A friend of mine, Tim, came along to help with cutting and loading the wood. Mike, the owner, also provided a hand loading the wood onto my trailer. I’m always thankful for help.

We had trunks from one pin oak, one red maple and two honey locusts. The wood was wet and very heavy.

As we loaded we could see the back-end of the truck sinking and the tires of the trailer showing signs of a very heavy load. Before pulling out we moved a number of chunks of wood from the front of the trailer to the back to improve the balance of the load.

After the trailer was loaded, Mike commented that we were just half done. The truth is that getting the wood cut and loaded onto the trailer is not even close to half-way done. Once I got the trailer home I began cutting each piece down further into usable pieces. These photos were from Monday … it’s Friday night and I have 95% of the wood still on the trailer. This weekend I will cut a lot of this into blanks for specific pieces.