Bowl Turning Class

Doug's Turnings 3300 Whippoorwill Drive, Taneytown, MD, United States

Hands-on instruction turning wood on a modern wood turning lathe. The class is scheduled for 4 hours. I generally plan for 5 hours in the case that additional time is need for a student to complete their project. Not only … Read More


Bowl Turning Class

Doug's Turnings 3300 Whippoorwill Drive, Taneytown, MD, United States

Hands-on instruction turning wood on a modern wood turning lathe. The class is scheduled for 4 hours. I generally plan for 5 hours in the case that additional time is need for a student to complete their project. Not only … Read More


Bowl Turning Class

Doug's Turnings 3300 Whippoorwill Drive, Taneytown, MD, United States

Hands-on instruction turning wood on a modern wood turning lathe. The class is scheduled for 4 hours. I generally plan for 5 hours in the case that additional time is need for a student to complete their project. Not only … Read More


Bowl Turning Class

Doug's Turnings 3300 Whippoorwill Drive, Taneytown, MD, United States

Hands-on instruction turning wood on a modern wood turning lathe. The class is scheduled for 4 hours. I generally plan for 5 hours in the case that additional time is need for a student to complete their project. Not only … Read More


OPEN SHOP DATES – Unless otherwise indicated, I should be working in the shop every Friday and Saturday morning.

BY APPOINTMENT – If you’d like to visit at another time, please contact me to set an appointment. I enjoy what I do and enjoy sharing it with others.

Read more about Events & Happenings here.